Crop Insurance Coalition Sends Letters Urging Administration, Lawmakers to Protect Crop Insurance

WASHINGTON (February 19, 2019)– A group of around 60 national farm, lending, ag input, conservation, and crop insurance and reinsurance organizations, led by the Crop Insurance and Reinsurance Bureau (CIRB), sent letters to the Administration and key lawmakers opposing cuts to crop insurance during the upcoming budget process.

“USDA has projected that 2018 farm profitability will be the lowest in over a decade, and farm income dropped more than 45% in five years. An overreliance on budget savings from the agriculture community and from crop insurance more specifically will undermine rural economies.  It’s also important to note that in a time of uncertainty in the farming and ranching community – from natural disasters to trade wars to government shutdowns – the public-private partnership that is crop insurance has been a consistent and reliable risk management tool.  The certainty of federal crop insurance also offers lenders the assurances they need to continue to provide capital to America’s hard-working farmers and ranchers,” the letters explain.

Please contact CIRB Federal Affairs Vice President Tara Smith at with any questions about the letters or the Crop Insurance Coalition.